Abbotsford Food Charter

What is a Food Charter?

A Food Charter is broad statement developed by the community that establishes a shared vision for a sustainable and food secure community. Food charters advocate for nutritious, affordable, accessible, and culturally relevant food for all community members, recognize that food and food production is a vital component of a community’s economic development and agriculture sector, and celebrate cultures and food in our vibrant and diverse community.

By including the voices of various stakeholders, Food Charters create space for a broad base of support, cross-sectorial collaboration, and community connection. Used as an educational tool, Food Charters raise community awareness about food system concerns and gaps and creates an opportunity for public discussion and advocacy.

Food Charters are not binding policy statements, but instead act as inspiration for how to develop local food policy and or initiatives for the community.

The Abbotsford Food Charter will outline our community’s commitment to cultivating a food secure, sustainable, and interconnected local food system where everyone has equitable access to the food they need.   

Core Values

Food Charters generally set a vision for the following areas: 

Health and Well-being –  ensuring access to nutritious food and recognizing its impact on overall health. 

Education – having learning opportunities on how our health, the environment, the economy, and our food choices are all connected. 

Economic Development – supporting local farmers/producers, restaurants, and food-related businesses.  

Agriculture and Sustainability – encouraging eco-friendly farming, reducing waste, and promoting local food production.  

Culture – celebrating diverse food traditions and making food experiences enjoyable and respectful. 

Social Equity – making sure everyone has the ability and opportunity to grow and eat nutritious, affordable, and culturally preferable foods.

Abbotsford Food Charter Survey

Our goal for the Abbotsford food charter is to outline our community’s commitment to cultivating a sustainable, and interconnected local food system where everyone has equitable access to the food they need.

To create this, we are looking for some insight from you.